
Monday, September 27, 2010


Far away on the other side of THE tree,
I saw a hooded man calling out to me.
There were dark angels dancing around him in fire,
I looked back at my problems and realized that till now i had been a liar.
I started running towards him too scared to be confronted by truth,
In the process fell down and broke a tooth!
As if that wasnt enough, I hurt my knee too,
Now the clouds cleared and the sky turned blue,
Out of nowhere there appeared a huge wall in my path,
The height of which could not be calculated by any math,
An angel descended from heaven and spoke
At this point you all might think all this is a joke.
But beware what follows is indeed very true.
The angel agreed to let me go to the other side if i could demolish the wall 'somehow',
There was more temptation and I began the task with a comical "Pow! Pow!".
The wall was indeed very strong,
It had been standing unscratched all along.
After 2 days of extreme struggle I decided to give up,
All that i wanted now was just water in a cup.
The angel re-appeared and asked me to observe every single brick,
"Hope!" "Hope!" "Hope!" infinite times was what was written on every single pick.
The angel then explained that the wall of hope is indestructible.
No matter how tragic the past might have been there is ALWAYS and ALWAYS a hope for a better tomorrow,
This is the hope that keeps life running removing all the sorrow,
The temptation to go to the other side is always there because we think we have had enough,
But the sad truth which most of us fail to see is that death is easy,life is tough,
And the ultimate winner is the one who undergoes all the pain,
Stands for truth but never does cry in vain,
The angel merged the reflection of such a character with mine
And wished to see me in a stage where I too could say "Everything is fine!"
I understood that day that there is never an absence of omens, be it good or bad, around us,
It is upto us to decide which path to take and to choose which bus.


  1. A nice amateur work, gets the message through, may be lacking in few places in poetic imagination but is well compensated by the nobleness of the thought. The depth is there to be seen in the feeling but in the words it seems missing. I'd like to add this verse.
    It is easier to point, than to think and write,
    but its the flint, which helps you day and night.

  2. Good work. The delivered message is strong. But as the poem progresses each line length increases, making it sound like a paragraph. `Hoping` for another great poem. Btw true & indestructible are not rhyming :P
